



WFEC maintains a well-balanced and diversified portfolio of generation resources that includes owned facilities and capacity, in addition to energy provided through power purchase agreements. These resources reflect a mix of technologies and fuel types. The diversity in generation mix helps reduce exposure to changing market conditions, helping to keep rates competitive.

The generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative's energy resources include a coal-based power plant, as well as numerous natural gas units. Wind resources, solar energy and hydropower allocations also make up a part of the overall energy mix, as well.  

The Anadarko-based G&T has seven generating facilities, located at Mooreland, Anadarko and Hugo, Oklahoma, and Lovington, New Mexico, with a total power capacity of some 2,500 megawatts, including hydropower allocation and other contract power purchases.

WFEC continually evaluates capacity needs, while focusing on both the present and future power requirements of its members, and is properly positioned to maintain a reliable supply of electricity well into the future. 

WFEC underwent a learning curve for much of 2015-2016, as energy markets rapidly matured as the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) experienced the first full year of the utilization of its Integrated Market (IM). This market expansion was the most complex incremental step in SPP's evolutionary approach to adding market functionality.

These changes have been beneficial; however, they challenge all utilities to create flexible strategies with their generating resources. Units that were once base-loaded coal generators on most days are often at a minimum load, displaced by less expensive natural gas and renewable energy that has minimal cost, due to tax credits. Even though there were operational challenges at the beginning of the market implementation, "bumps" have been worked out.